Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Copy and emulation

The artist I decided to copy was Rob Ryan because I really thought that it was a unique design and would look great as a style for my book cover. He uses a lot of leaves and trees in his designs which are great because the scene in my book is set in the woodlands.

I looked through this book for inspiration and decided to copy one of his pieces. I chose this artist because it was quite different and simple in a way. But although simple in one way it looks very detailed and intricate in another.

Below are all the pieces that I thought of copying:

 I liked the piece of art on the left because it was a lot more simple compared to his other designs so I thought that if I found it too time consuming to do a more detailed piece I would definitely do a copy of this.

 I also liked this one for it's simplicity and thought that it has a lot of relevance to the book cover I am doing as it has leaves which is mentioned in my book when they're in the woods.

 I doubt that I will do a copy of either of the pieces above but I thought that they were a good inspiration when it comes to doing my emulation, especially the birds.
 I would really like to a copy of this one as I really like the leaves on it.
 This one was my favourite out of all of them because it was the most intricate piece and the best out of all of them. I think that it would take me far too long in the time that I have so I will use one of the more simpler pieces.
 I really liked this one aswell.
This is probably the simplest design out of all of them. However, although it is the simplest it is still very detailed.

I started to practice drawing the different pieces to see which one I would prefer to do as my proper finished copy. This one I enjoyed doing..

Here is another rough copy that I drew.

This is the piece I decided to do a copy of.

Firstly I copied the artwork with a pencil very lightly as I didn't want to have to go rubbing out my pencil lines after O had cut it out with craft knife.

After I had finished drawing it, I started to cut it out with a craft knife.

Unfortunately, I had to cut the letters off because I found it too fiddly to do and I kept accidentally ripping them off.

 After I finished cutting it out I look for some coloured paper...
 This is the end result. As you can see it isn't exactly like the original. The reason being is that I found the cutting out quite difficult. However, I did enjoy drawing in the style of Rob Ryan. It would be too time consuming to cut out all the little bits that you can see I haven't cut out.

I then started experimenting using Rob Ryan's style but with relelvance of my book:

I liked this idea because it sums up the first chapter in one picture I decided to develop this drawing and use it on the front cover of my emulation.

I started off by sticking two pieces of A4 together to make my book cover. I then started to design my emulation.

Here is the design for my front cover, I also designed the flaps and back cover. Thiis emulation has relevance to my book because there is a small drawing of the character Mole, a hill and trees which are all mentioned in the book.

After I finished designing it I started to cut it out using a scalpel.

I took great care with all the delicate bits this time, making sure that I didn't tear anything.

Here is my completed emulation. If I was to improve this design I would definitely enlarger the title a lot more as I feel it doesn't stand out enough.

Below are some close ups:

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