Sunday, 23 March 2014

Contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity analysis of A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket

This is another book that I looked at whilst doing my research..

A Series of Unfortunated Events:

Front cover

 The first thing that I chose to label was contrast. Number one shows the contrast between the bright yellow title and the dull black background. I labelled number two because of the contrast in the size of text. The authors name is a lot smaller than the book title which was different to what the design was on Candyfloss. Candyfloss had similar size text for the author and book title. Number three highlights the constrast between the red background and the black background. The red stands out quite a lot and adds variation as it would be very dull to have just black for the background. I labelled number four because of the bright orange/yellow background which is very eye-catching compared to the dark colour of the boys hair. Finally, I labelled number 5 because of the difference in colour of the two pieces of text, the contrast in size and the contrast in typefaces. 'BOOK THE SEVENTH' is in a serif typeface and 'The Vile Village' is in a script typeface.

 Next, I labelled proximityAll the pieces of text that are in close proximity should be read together. As you can see I have highlighted all the different pieces of text that are in close proximity and that your eyes would naturally 
read together.

I then labelled repetition. Number one shows the repetition of the colour yellow, this makes the colour scheme quite warm.
Number two shows the repetition of the dark browns and blacks that are used. This makes the colours such as: red, yellow and blue stand out a lot more. Number highlights the repetition of the colour red which is a bold colour.
Finally, number four shows the repetition of the blue/green colour which complements the red.

Finally, I labelled alignment. Numbers one and two show the alignment of the book title. Numbers three and four are the alignment of the illustration and the text 'A Vile Village'. Numbers five and six show the alignment of the authors name. Number seven is the centre alignment which goes straight through the middle of the illustration.

Back cover

The first thing that I labelled on the back cover was alignment. Numbers one and two highlight the alignment of the blurb text which shows that it is also in line with the right side of the barcode. Number three is the centre alignment which goes straight down the middle of the blurb and authors name. Numbers four and five labelled because they show the alignment of the top and bottom of the blurb.

Next I labelled contrast. Number one highlights the contrast between the dark black background and the red spine. Number two also shows a contrast in colour however this time it is between the black and yellow. Number four shows the contrast between the mixture of upper case and lower case text and the all upper case text. It also shows the contrast of the two different typefaces, however, they are similar in some ways because they are both serif fonts. Finally, number five shows the contrast between the serif text and the script text. This adds interest on the back cover and make it contrasting instead of being all concording.

I then looked at proximityAll the pieces of text that are in close proximity should be read together. As you can see I have highlighted all the different pieces of text that are in close proximity and that your eyes would naturally 
read together.

Finally I looked at repetition. Number one shows the repetition of the serif typeface and number two shows the repetition of the colour black. There is also repetition of the colour red (spine and text at the bottom).


First I looked at proximity. It is simple to see what is in close proximity on a spine so I just labelled everything in close proximity so what should be read together.

Then I looked at alignment. The centre line goes through every single piece of text so the designer has thought carefully about this and was working on a grid.

I then looked at repetition. Here there is repetition of the colours yellow and the orange/red.

Finally I looked at contrast. I labelled the contrasts between the red text and the yellow text and also the fact that the contrast with the background. Also, the black text at the bottom of the spine contrast with the coloured text and the red background.

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